I am Weston

I am Weston

Architect's delight

Hand cut stone

Proudly placed

In stately fashion

I am Weston

Host to thousands

For more than a century

A place to live

And a place to die

I am Weston

Scorned by all

Those who fund

Upkeep and caregivers

Those who care for my guests

I am Weston

Within my walls have

Been people who have been

Helped to better lives

Helped to better ways of living

I am Weston

Within my walls have

Been people who have been

Neglected and refused

Return to their names

I am Weston

Employer of thousands of

Caring, loving, helpful people

Employer of those who

Have scorned my guests

I am Weston

A symbol of the community

Also called Weston

A pillar of the economy

And a centerpiece

I am Weston

Without guests

Standing prepared

To proudly serve

My community and my state

Ted J. Johnson May 1994